Sunday, February 17, 2013

Joseph Michael Lecza, aka, Lj is 2 years old

Yes, I know, I haven't posted in a very long time.  Too long, and I apologize.  Just, sometimes, life gets away from you and you don't do the things you enjoy.  And while I do enjoy blogging, I am never sure what to blog so I don't blog anything.  I figure no one will enjoy what I have to say and even though, I try to be interesting and funny, sometimes I feel I fall short of my entertain.

I do have one subject that I feel I can write on and do it with ease and that is Lj (Joseph Michael Lecza) Lj is short for Little Joe, just in case you didn't figure it out.  After all, we don't call Big Joe, Bj, for obvious reasons.  Anyway, Lj is 2 years old.  I know, I can't believe it myself... 2...  I have no idea where the time went, none of do.  He, of course, is perfect, in my eyes.  He is now running around, playing with cars and trucks and anything with wheels.  He knows how to work an iPhone and a laptop better than I do, but then, that isn't saying much.  The only thing he doesn't do is talk.  Am I worried...NO!!!  He will talk when he is good and ready to talk.  Joey talked late and when he did, he didn't stop.  Lj is going to do the very same thing.  Some people are worried... he should be talking, they say.  Leave him alone, I say.  He is fine.  He is a boy and boys are on a different schedule from everyone else.  If he is 5 and still doesn't talk, then we worry.  What he does do is communicate without talking, he talks with his mouth closed.  Yup, you heard me right.  Any he gets his needs across to whom ever is there and listening.

Oh, another thing he likes...besides cars and trucks.. music.  He strums a guitar and sings with it.  We have videos, thanks to Kk, his other grandmother.  He finds the music on the iPhones and listens to it.  I say it is wonderful...I hope he continues with the guitar, believe it or not, it sounds good and I swear he is humming Jingle Bells.

I love watching him and learning what makes him tick.  He likes tools.  I would not put a screw driver near him in a few years...he will take anything apart.  He likes reading books.  I have recorded a few of those recordable books for him.  This year is was 'T'was The Night Before Christmas'.   The first book I did for him was about how much I loved him and I did it because it was about a month old when they moved to Georgia and they wouldn't be back until he was 5 months old and I wanted him to know my voice.  Well it worked.  When they came home in July and I spoke to him, he smiled.  Made my heart melt.  I would recommend this to anyone who's grandchild is far away.  Sometimes when he would cry and no one could calm him down, Joey and Christina would open that book for him and he would calm down right away.  I LOVE IT!!!

I can't believe he is 2 already but I am looking forward to this next year with him and watching him grow.  I never knew I could love someone as much as I love this child.

Thank you, Lj, for coming into my life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


When I was growing up, my parents always had a garden. Nothing big but enough that my parents were able to make a salad, can some tomatoes, freeze some beans. Suffice it to say, we had fresh produce all summer.

I was a very picky eater as a child...hard to believe I know but I was. Thank goodness for that garden. I think that is how I made it to adulthood. I really hated most foods so when I was outside playing, I woud run into the garden and pick some produce or fruit and continue playing. I didn't have to worry about pesticides because my mother was afirm believer in organic gardening and all our clean garbage went into a compost bin. Being a kid in my house was fun.

As an adult, I have had my own gardens of various sizes. Some were quite large and others were in containers. The thing is...I picked up a lot of information from my parents that I didn't realize I was absorbing at the time. I now have a compost bin and a small garden. I have 3 tomato plants (2 early girls and 1 beefsteak), 2 bell pepper plants, an eggplant and 3 cucumber plants. I am thrilled to say I have tomatoes on all three plants. Oh, I almost forgot...Stephanie planted asparagus in the garden 3 years ago and this year they have and continue to produce edible asparagus. I just wish they had all come up at one time so we could have a meal of them but one at a time is better than nothing. I found them to be very interesting plants. I also bought was called a salad bowl. It is a complete basic salad, you would just have to add cukes and tomatoes. It cames with red leaf lettuce, kale, 2 kinds of grasses that are being a little peppery and sweet, and violas...edible flowers. We have made a couple of salads with it and the birds have enjoyed the lettuce and flowers.

I also expanded my herb garden. I had planted a few years ago, thanks to Stephanie, some chives, oregano, tarragon, sage. I also plant every year...basil, rosemary and dill. These you have to plant every year. The chive, etc come up every year. I also bought my first rhubarb pant. I can't pick it this year but I am looking forward to future years and some homemade strawberry-rhubarb pies. (Shirley, get ready!!!) Sue has planted a beautiful flower garden. She is trying to get a rock garden going but rocks take a long time to grow! Just kidding. My shasta daisies are getting ready to bloom and May pinks and carnations are blooming/ Her mums, that she rescued from someones garbage are doing beautifully and getting bigger every year and this year we added...portulaccas (I am sure that is spelled wrong), lavender, and something else that I can't think of right now. And she planted wildflowers and moon glories. I love it.

So now we water and tie up plants and await the fruits of our labor.

I will keep you posted.

Oh, the compost bin is working wonderfully...nice and warm and nice juicy worms.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day and what it means to me

I should have written this long ago in grammar school but somehow never thought about it the way I do now. Having a child in the military changes everything.

My father fought for this country in WWII and I thought it was just amazing that he never took a bullet. It is funny how children think when they listen to stories about their parents and about things they no nothing war. I wondered, as a child, why my father would have tears in his eyes every memorial day. Now I know. I remember when the Vietnam vets came home, my father watched it all on TV with tears streaming down his face. Now I know why. My father watched the TV show, Combat, every week and told me it was the most realistic show depicting the war. He told me stories how the younger soldiers called him 'Pop' because he was so much older than most of them and he would always give the younger boys his chocolate bars and his sugar packets. He told me that is when he started drinking coffee without sugar. I don't know where they got coffee on the battle field but was a good story and I have never known my father to lie...not about war, anyway.

I have had the honor of marching in The Connecticut Hurricanes Drum and Bugle Corps with a veteran of the Vietnam was not considered a war. RIGHT!!! Tell that to the veterans that fought. Anyway, he also was a POW. I don't know for how long because he does not like to talk about it. I have riden the bus to many drum corps shows with him, and I noticed that the way he sleeps on the bus must have been how he slept in the jungles of Vietnam and the POW camp. He sits in the corner of the seat, all curled up and covers his entire body with his blanket. What does this tell... WAR in our soldiers minds NEVER goes away, it is NEVER forgotten.

Now I think about Memorial Day and it hits a little closer to home. Joey is now considered a veteran of foreign war. I am very, VERY proud of him and what he felt he had to do. I am so lucky that he was one of our soldiers to come home alive. He was in Iraq for a year and for that whole year I watched the news and pretended he was still in Ft. Stewart, GA safe. I think this is the only way I got though that year. We also waited for his son to be born and that would happen after he was home from the war. I think about all the families that are NOT as lucky as I have been and my heart breaks for them. I wish I could go to them and just give them a hug. There is NOTHING you can say to someone that has lost a loved one to war. NOTHING!!!! But because these families and their loved one paid the ultimate sacrifice, we can live the life we do. many of us take it for granted...including me until this last year. Am I happy that Joey chose to enlist in the Army...NO... Am I proud of him for doing it...OH YES!!! There are no words to explain how proud I am of him. I hope for him that there is no war for his son, Lj, to have to fight in. We still have a long time before that decision is made. And I wonder if everyday, Joey will encourage Lj to make the decision he did. I pray that the world is at peace when that time comes.

I don't know why world peace is so hard to achieve. People of all nations have the right to believe what they want and the rest of the world has no business telling them how they should live!!! We wouldn't want anyone coming into this country and telling us that we have too much freedom and we need to make new laws ending that freedom. I pray that NEVER happens...and I know it never will because of our men and women who have chosen to fight for all of us so that it doesn't

I want to say THANK YOU to all of them. It is such a small thing but an important one. Our soldiers need to hear it. And here is a little story to tell you why this has to be done.

When Joey was in boot camp, we went down for family weekend. Joe had to wear his uniform off base and anytime he went out. He wanted to stop and get fast food but he didn't want to go in and eat, he wanted to eat in the car. After questioning him, he told me that not everyone likes the soldiers so he was afraid of reprecussions because he was in uniform. While we were sitting in the parking lot, a car pulled in and a rather rough and tough looking guy got out of the car and looked at Joey. He went in to get food and maybe 15 minutes later came out. On his way to his car he detoured toward our car. Joe was in the back seat with the window open. The guy walked up to the window. Now I am thinking...ok, here it comes...the guy put out his hand and shook Joe's hand and said "Thank you." Since that day, I try NOT to judge a book by it's cover. I am not so sure Joe is afraid of being in uniform but he very seldom advertises it. I am very proud of him for all he has done.

Thank you to all the men and women who serve our country. May you all come home safe. And please, everyone, remember them always on this day.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On being a Nana!!

I guess being a Nana for the first time is a lot like being a mother for the first time, but at the same time, it is different. I haven't had much time with Lj but I am getting ready for when he comes home from Georgia. I have been crocheting and baking. Isn't that what Nana's do??? I have several projects that I am working on, nothing earth shattering or anything like that. Just little projects. I like doing little makes you feel like you have accomplished something and it relaxes me. And I have baking!! Cookies, cakes, brownies...getting ready for when he can eat these things. Right now they are just making me fatter. But then, Nana's are supposed to be chunky. I hope he gets home soon. I want to color, and paint and play with finger paints. I want to make pudding and bread and go to the park. I want to read stories and more stories and all that good stuff that you never had time to do with your own children because you were too busy with laundry and cleaning. That's why God gives you a second've slowed down and now you have time to play. I am just so happy to be a Nana. There is nothing better in the whole wide world. Nothing!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Joseph Michael Lecza

February 1, 2011 at 9:42PM weighing in at 6lbs, 7.5oz, my grandson was born and I was there , and I mean there, to welcome him into our world and family. It was an honor I never expected but was thrilled beyond belief when they asked me to be a labor coach.

I didn't watch my own children being born so to see LJ take his first breath and to see the look of awe on the faces of his parents was priceless.

There is so much to write, I don't know where to start.

I will start with the call I got from Christina saying she was in the ER because she had broken her fibula in a fall going to her car. She told me she was possibly going to need surgery so they would have to induce her. I showered and got dressed. Joey was on a flight to Connecticut and amazingly, he was the last flight to land. Someone was watching from above, probably many.

I arrived in the labor and birthing room about 10:30AM. They had just started giving her the pitocin to start her labor. She was 80% effaced and 5-6 cm dilated. So good for a 1st baby. We were looking at at 9 PM birth or there abouts. Okay, Joey arrives in Connecticut and Bob Imperato went to pick him up. This is Joey's second family and he is their 5th son. He was in the hospital at 11:30 AM. Kisses all around. Nurses in to check and they were happy Daddy had arrived because they knew it would make Mommy calmer. So true. Now comes the boring part. The wait was on. Everyone but me was sleeping because no one but me had slept the night before. I sat in a rocking chair rocking to develop my rocking muscles because I knew I was going to need them. Labor started getting stronger after about 2 hours. Christina was a trooper. She was breathing through them but they were getting closer and stronger. About 3PM they gave her the epidural and she was comfortable for a while and she slept. Again I was left watching the monitor and she was sleeping though some strong contractions. She changed position at some point and the contractions got much worse. I would say she probably disturb the comfortable world that LJ was in and now he wanted out. WE still had a few hours to go. The doc delivered a few by c-section and another one down the hall but he kept checking in on Christina. About 9:15PM, Christina got an incredible urge to push and the pain medication was no longer working. The nurses were great. They told her what to do, they got the doc, he checked her and told her to push when she wanted to push. This kid had 3 contractions, pushed 9 times and LJ was born and on her belly. I was amazed, AMAZED!!! I got to hold her broken leg during the whole birth so I saw his head bulge and then crown and then saw his beautiful little face. He has beautiful dark hair. Mom and Dad were in awe and in love. Christina said it this morning to me...."It was like falling in love all over again.". Yes it is. Joe held his son and just stared at him, then Christina's Mom, Karen, got to hold him and then Me!!!! Oh my God, this is the greatest feeling in the whole universe. I talked to him and he listened and stopped crying and then he smiled! I know it was probably gas but I have my beliefs....leave me alone in my was an I love Nana smile!!!!!! That's my story and I am sticking to it. Then Christina breastfed him and he took to it like a pro. Christina was shocked. AT this point Christina moved to her room on the 11th floor. LJ and Joey went to the nursery to be checked out and all the important stuff done. Christina was exhausted but beautiful!!!!! A very proud Mommy! Joey is hopelessly in love with his son. When he cries he picks him and walks with him and tells him stories and LJ quiets right down. I can't wait to hold him again.

So please bear with me if my blogs are suddenly updates on LJ. I can't help it...I am in love with my grandson. I will protect him to the ends of this earth and universe.

Thanks for listening. I leave you with this thought....If your children ask you to be a labor coach, don't turn them down, even if you are squeamish. It is an honor worth your weight in gold. And I know it will never get old even if I have 10 or more grandchildren.

I love the song by Dolly Parton: I Hope You Dance. On February 1, 2011, I DANCED, like I never danced before. Thank you again Christina and Joey. And thank you LJ, for coming into my life. I love you. XOXOXOXO

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My JellyBean, aka LJ

We are in some serious countdown now. 2 days until JB's due date. I hope for Christina sake JB comes on time. There is nothing worse than going past the day that you have been waiting for for 9 months and no end in sight. I know, I have been there 3 times!!!!!

He will come when he is good and ready. I can't wait. I don't think I have ever been this excited. Ican't wait to see what he looks like, smells like, feels like. I am so in love with him already, I can't stand myself. I know this is how I will feel with all my grandchildren. This is a feeling that just doesn't get old. It's like puppy breath!

And so we wait......and wait.....and wait. If we think it is hard on us, it is awful for Christina. She has so much on her mind....the baby, labor, Joey making it home for the birth and all this snow that keeps coming and coming and coming. I know Joe will make it home. Christina will kill him if he doesn't. I think we should get a police escort from the airport!!! Anyone....can you arrange this!

Well, that is all for now. Will keep you posted.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


As a lot of you know, on January 5th, I had my right hip replaced. It needed to be done. It no longer wished to be a part of my body. I can understand why...I have abused it over the years. As a young girl, I climb trees and fell out of them; I ice skated and did unintended splits, oh how they hurt; I was a gymnast and a cheerleader; I played field hockey, basketball, softball, baseball, rode my many bikes and fell off them. Yes, I can see why it no longer wish to be abused. It had had enough!

So now, I have a brand new hip and 50 staples, I think they made a mistake and put in a zipper. LOL I am up and walking around with the aid of a walker or a cane, depends on how I feel. My biggest challenge is getting in and out of bed but I am doing it.

I had the surgery at Hospital of St. Raphael's and got great care. My surgeon preferred that hospital to Yale because of the risk of infection. I had wonderful nurses everywhere I went and doctors. All in good spirits and not a bad attitude in them. I saw many nurses that I worked with when I did my clinical, they are still there, many years later. I have never had my name band checked so often. Not one pill goes down your throat that they aren't checking it. They were right on top of my pain. I have no complaints. Sheryl stayed after the holiday to be with me and of course, Sue is always with me because I just wouldn't feel safe without her there. Joey is home so he and Christina came up and Melissa from work. I kept falling asleep on them.
Sheryl went home on Saturday to avoid the snow. I will miss her.

PT came in the day after surgery and got me up and moving. Excellent. At first I thought she was out of her mind but I did it with her help. I was told I could go home Saturday morning but with a big storm coming my surgeon said if PT cleared me to go, I could go. I went! I was home just as the flakes started falling on Friday. Now I have PT and nursing through the VNA coming twice a week. Mostly to do my INR's and answer questions, take out the staples next week. I should be walking without any devices by the end of next week. There are so many precautions with hip surgery. And as I nurse I know them BUT when they pertain to you it is not easy. Each day I am getting stronger. Walking is my best exercise but I do some leg lifts and toe touches with my toe to the floor. I still can't sleep on my side well and I can't wait to do that. I think once the staples are out I will be able to do it. I am NOT a back sleeper!

Oh, the surgeon did tell me I have small bones....who knew! I knew there had to be some part of me that was small.

Well, I must go walk and take care of business. I will keep you posted.